I've redecorated. Currently, I occupy the living room of a one bedroom apartment--it's all I can afford on my under employed salary... I decided a physical change was required. So, I grabbed a friend, hopped in the car, bought an espresso americano and drove. For the sake of ambiguity, I'm going to omit the before photo and present the after:

Only the room divider, duvet cover, 1 cushion, and bed frame are new (this is the scaled back project version, believe it or not...). The bookshelf, TV stand, desk (executive!) and mattress are old. What I wanted was a definitive separation between my space and the common space, work and recreation, relaxation and stress--thus the wall simulating and barrier producing furniture. This was my birthday gift to myself. Respite in times of turbulence such as now.
The wound:
I am standing in a doorway leading to a yard full of green grass. Along the tall outer fence are closed gates. Any minute now, I'm supposed to push open any one of those countless doors and enter a new grassy yard, a new house, a new chapter of my life. And yet, I'm still standing in the doorway, staring out at my options--my future. It seems impossible to chose, impossible to wrap my head around the possibilities, impossible to will my cerebral membrane to produce any thoughts at all. My body is frozen in time.
December 1 is my first deadline for graduate school applications. Over the past month or so, my conscious and subconscious alike have been frantically trying to avoid making any relevant decisions, or even researching alternative programs for my further education. So much so that my partner has caught onto my scheme and isn't putting up with my bullsh*t anymore. Good for him. Next, he needs to teach me the ancient and elusive art of get 'er done.
To date, my pursuits of graduate program research, selection, and overall future academic self discovery has been stopped and stalled by hopelessness, depression, exhaustion, fear, stress, distraction, and old fashion ornery attitude. It's time I hang up my listless jacket and put on my thinking cap. I'm applying to graduate school!!