While in Aéropostale and American Eagle, Yumi was shopping for clothing and I was just roaming the store looking at clothes people consider to be fashionable these days. Some of it was cute, but some of it wasn't. Mostly I just felt out of place in there, these were stores that fashionable people went to. I don't consider myself a fashionable person, nor do I try to be one. I like my style, and I don't like the clothes that these stores sold.
Anyway, moving on, I bought a white, canvas belt and black/gray/cream gloves at H&M. I originally wanted to buy a scarf there, but they didn't have any on the floor, that I could tell. There were a few cute shirts that I was considering buying, but I didn't want to use my lunch money.
At the Gap I bought a pair of boxers, they were on sale for $6! I was excited about that. I <3 boxers, especially comfortable ones! These are 100% soft cotton, gray plaid AND have the tag along the spandex!! (celebrates at purchase victory) They are so comfortable! Plus, they had just one in my size left.
After we ate our burgers at In 'n' Out, we spent about two hours discussing the work we had to do for Kotekitai. We forgot to bring writing utensils so we resorted to storing our notes in txts on our phones, xD we're so resourceful!
She showed me around her town, Albany, climbed Indian Rock, which is this huge rock where you can see the whole Bay Area. It was such a nice view. She pointed out the different cities and landmarks that were visible and I pointed her where I lived, turns out we live really close to each other. We went to her house and watched High School Musical, the actor who plays Troy is hot. This movie is becoming my guilty pleasure. After that was done, we watched a few episodes of the Suite Life with Zack and Cody. It took her brother, Akira, 30 minutes to figure out that Zack & Cody were brothers. Hes a hoot and a half, that one.
Caught the BART home in the pouring rain, and promptly signed back onto my computer. That was my day, I hope you found it mildly interesting.