*sigh* im tired. I'm feeling rather reserved today. I've been feeling reserved all week. Some call it 'emo' but I call it being moody.
So, while I was enjoying Full Metal Panic! Episode #19, I figured that I should get back into the rhythm of making mini blog bgs, templets, or whatever again. I really enjoy them. It's a chance for me to express myself through images. All of my templets are Naruto screen caps, so it also satisfies my Naruto obsession.
If I seem unenthusiastic, it's because I'm feeling unenthusiastic. There's something that's been bothering me, and I can't seem to pin point what it is, let alone tell someone about it.
I can't seem to figure out what I want to put in this particular blog. Maybe a poem relating to Naruto's predicament regarding the Nine-tailed Fox Demon. I think that's a good idea, there has been a poem forming itself in the back of my mind for a few days now, regarding this particular topic. The more I think about it, the more I realize it's been there for years... It just hasn't manifested itself as a written piece yet.
Well, I'll see if I can get to writting it. Hopefully it will come out soon, I'm starting to get irritated because I think about it so much.