June 21, 2006

mini blog bg

*sigh* im tired. I'm feeling rather reserved today. I've been feeling reserved all week. Some call it 'emo' but I call it being moody.

So, while I was enjoying Full Metal Panic! Episode #19, I figured that I should get back into the rhythm of making mini blog bgs, templets, or whatever again. I really enjoy them. It's a chance for me to express myself through images. All of my templets are Naruto screen caps, so it also satisfies my Naruto obsession.

If I seem unenthusiastic, it's because I'm feeling unenthusiastic. There's something that's been bothering me, and I can't seem to pin point what it is, let alone tell someone about it.

I can't seem to figure out what I want to put in this particular blog. Maybe a poem relating to Naruto's predicament regarding the Nine-tailed Fox Demon. I think that's a good idea, there has been a poem forming itself in the back of my mind for a few days now, regarding this particular topic. The more I think about it, the more I realize it's been there for years... It just hasn't manifested itself as a written piece yet.

Well, I'll see if I can get to writting it. Hopefully it will come out soon, I'm starting to get irritated because I think about it so much.
kimiko. Posted by Picasa

June 18, 2006

Today the wind is powerfully strong.
Every being can feel it attempting to sway them from their course.
How fortunate they are to have obstacles, such as wind,
challenging them and forcing them to grow.

Today the sea gulls force themselves to fly into the wind.
Most fall back to the sand and simply attempt to walk the distance.
They don't have the strength to face the obstacle in their way.
One courageous gull refuses to touch down and give up.
How beautiful it is for it to continue to fight on,
only advancing an inch at a time,
falling back frequently,
never being swayed into changing route.
This soul possesses that which the poet on the dirty bench
with sand between her toes strives to discipline.


The Columnist Manifesto
this is zach's blog.

i seriously love this guy... today, we had a date. and i was nervous at first D:... and sweating profusely... v__v it was embarassing... but his hands were shaking so i didnt feel as dorky as i would have had he been calm and composed....

TT__TT he and i... we were being awkward together! i loved it... so much... it was fucking awesome... he pulled off the hot dork better than me though... but it doesnt matter because i dont mind being the dorkier of the two anyway...

i didn't hug him at first... cuz i was so embarassed about being so nervous... i barely said 5 words... and... right when he first arrived at leenas i was acting so 'fake cool' i was even annoying MYSELF! gah... it suxxord... and alexis kept pouring the popcorn we were trying to store on the floor... it wasnt cool...

so... in Elizabeth's car... i called shotgun then a second later i felt really weird about it and wanted to sit in back with him... but then elizabeth put the popcorn maker in my way... how inadvertenly evil... i tried to make conversation with him... but my voice kept being somewhat shaky so i stopped for a period of time... then, for a poor attempt at making up for the lack of hug i passed him my 3 dvds from blockbuster online to show that i wanted to interact with him and only him... i dont know if i got my message accross...

so i finally was able to relax once we were on our way down shoreline. it took a long time to walk all the way to washington, but it was really nice because the wind was keeping me from sweating too much.... right around when we were in the neighborhood of paru st. i took his hand. man, that was really tight...

when we got to upper washington park, after i showed him around and all of that such and so on, we found ourselves under a tall tree looking at the pictures and contacts on his phone. i thoroughly enjoyed looking at all of his friends. since the tree was so uncomfortable for him to lean against [i felt bad that he was in pain but he didn't complain! wat a trooper...TT__TT] we decided to move locations, but instead of sitting at the base of the new tree, we played the 'look who's taller now!' game. we hugged for a preiod of time. and during this time i realized that he smelled so good! i kept smelling him all over and he was laughing cuz it tickled... :3

he bought me water and a oatmeal raisin cookie at starbucks... i love those cookies. and i especially love that he offered to buy it for me. people don't realize how much simple gestures like that are appreciated.

after i ate my cookie and we both drank our drinks we went to throw away our trash and wait by the bus stop. as we were approaching the stop, right out side starbuck's door, i turned around suddenly, realizing i still had trash, i had a rather distressed look on my face and as zach and i collided, he gave me a hug. [i love hugs. especially warm and loving ones...] when he embraced me, i felt calmed from my freaking out about forgeting to toss a wrapper... the best part of the wrapper insident is that he took it and tossed it FOR ME! so thoughtful... so sweet

when he got on the 50, a few minutes after leaving starbucks, i watched him ride away from me. inside, i was cursing the rediculously small rear window and the surplus of heads in the way of my eyes and his cute asian face. it was not cool. but i certainly felt cool because he and i, we were orange, and we were orange together.

Zach's side of the story...